Artist Statement

After many Years of award winning design and decorative ornamentation in private homes, Kathleen is returning to the roots of her creative past, while still tending to her loyal design clientele.   I love using vintage items, achieving a vintage look in all of the art I create. The time worn piece of furniture that may find my paintbrush, or the chipped piece of china that yearns for a new beginning in the frame of an old mirror. Bits and pieces are combined with vintage findings in my jewelry designs. My canvas work, be it framed or installed directly on a wall,  wears a patina that also seems to find me as I work. I find a bit of comfort in creating art with things that have  otherwise been determined as no longer useful as is. Working with  varied mediums, I am often asked which one do I love the most. I find the answer to be the one that is in my hands in that moment. I am inspired most by the people and things that I love, and that is the piece of my heart that stays with each work. I would have to say that the common thread that can be found within my lyrical work, will be the feeling of having  been there all along, hopefully provoking a smile in the heart.  “I love working with vintage findings, fabrics, rich earthy pigments, and quaint pieces of time worn furniture, yearning to instill in each a hopeful new beginning”

If you are interested in a commission or the purchase of one of my works, please contact me  by clicking the email address below.

Thank you for your interest.

Kathleen O’Neil Stevens

Allied Member, ASID

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